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Samuel Oghenetega |
It was very difficult for me to understand Samuel due to his African dialect, but I was able to take some notes of some excerpts that seemed significant to me. There is much more to this message than just these excerpts, and I would not want to misquote the Lord, so please watch the video for yourself. There are several different ones available online, but I will leave a link at the end of this post to the particular video I watched.
From what I could gather at the beginning of his testimony, Samuel's father is a pastor. And Samuel had recently broken his right arm in a soccer (African "football") match. Then he was subsequently beaten on the head with a cane, and experienced seizures that led to his hospitalization. In the hospital room, the Lord would appear to him at the foot of his bed and speak with him. The Lord would point his hand at the wall, and a white screen would appear like an open book. The Lord then wrote on the screen without using his hand the words he was speaking to Samuel , and he instructed Samuel to write those words in his own exercise note booklet. The words the boy was writing were not human words, but divine words from the Lord, Who also showed him numerous illustrations of what He was saying. At times, demons would walk out onto the screen and stand there, so that Samuel could draw a diagram of them in his exercise book. The diagrams he drew were not something that one could just sit down and draw naturally, but ones that he was obviously enabled supernaturally to draw. In fact, he even drew them with an ink pen, which is more difficult than with a pencil.
These encounters would go on for a period of time until Samuel was too exhausted to continue. Then the Lord would let him rest, and he would fall off to sleep immediately. He would usually awake very hungry, wanting to eat some food. The the Lord would appear again, and continue giving him more messages for humanity, and some messages for his parents or certain ministers. The boy was also taken to hell by Jesus Christ in order to see the horrors that people are experiencing there.
The news of this began to spread until crowds of people were coming to the hospital to see this and hear. Eventually at the end of three or four days, the doctor confirmed the boy did not have brain damage, and was amazed at the things he was writing in his book. Then Samuel's father requested he be discharged to home, and the doctor consented. Samuel's parents were led to bring the boy to stay with a sister in their church for a few days initially after his discharge. The visitations continued and neither Samuel nor that sister got much sleep.
His mother testified about her son's experience saying that she initially became afraid for him, but the Lord gave Samuel a written prophetic message for her that brought peace to her heart. She recalls, "I said, 'What? Lord, what is happening? Is my son demon-possessed? What is this?' Then what gave me a prophet's appointment and peace in my heart...He wrote, 'Mrs. Prosper Willbome, don't worry, don't panic, don't be afraid. I am with your son. I will use him to depopulate hell and to populate heaven. I send My angel Michael and his hosts to fight for him.'"
I should also mentioned that when the Lord first appeared to him, He was a gentle man, crying, wearing white garments stained with blood. He had blood in the palms of His hands, on his legs, and even on His side. He was calling Samuel to come.
Most of the messages you will read below are the Lord Jesus speaking in the first person to Samuel, except where otherwise noted. The Lord would begin each short message by telling Samuel to warn those committing a particular sin that He would describe. Then the Lord would tell him what to say to those people to warn them, and he would usually end by stating the consequences for those who did not repent and obey him. Now here are my notes of some excerpts that I transcribed, and I ask that you please be understanding, since they are rather random, although in some cases I have grouped similar topics together under one heading.
Don't compromise God's Word
"Those who compromise my Word I will cast into the lake of fire. Do not compromise!"
Prepare and pray often
"Prepare and pray often and be strong and of good courage, because satan has fired a dart into your heart."
Warning to those browsing the Internet
"Tell to those browsing the internet to be careful because demons are there capturing souls for Satan."
Warning to those listening to music that doesn't glorify God
"All music that does not glorify me or my Father: Those who listen to it will be cast into the fire."
Warning to those seeking Miracles
"Warn those seeking miracles. Tell them to repent and seek repentance."
Those who don’t preach because of money
"Tell associate pastors and others who preach my word and don’t preach because of money, 'I will supply your needs according to my Father’s riches.'”
The day of our Lord’s wedding is at hand
"I have sent my angel proclaiming with a loud voice, 'Behold, the day of our Lord’s wedding is at hand.' Repent! The Lord has spoken."
Warning to teenagers
"Tell the teenagers to be watchful and prayerful because satan has sent millions of angels to bring them down."
Warning to those wearing artificial things
"Remove every artificial thing in your body, because 'Bimbo' Odukoya is in hell crying for mercy. But it is too late." Editor's note: Please see short biography of 'Bimbo' Odukoya.
"Tell those who say, 'Fashion does not mean anything,' it means a lot of things to Me. They are joining to hell without them knowing. The Lord has spoken. Satan will use fashion to capture millions to hell. Do not put on anything artificial like gold and silver, wristwatches*, artificial teeth*, etc." Editor's note: If you have any questions about this, then please read my post called Godly Attire and Adornment -- Seven Divine Revelations. The Lord has spoken this same message to several others beside Samuel.
Warning to those watching football matches
"Warn people spending their time watching (sports) and rejecting the Word. It is only on earth that there is mercy." Samuel saw a boy in hell who had spent his time on earth watching sports.
"Millions of people are tripping into hell. My Father’s house is empty. Few are there."
Warning to Those Getting Tatoos
"Do not put any marks of snakes or creatures in your body," which is tatoos.
Warning to Those Who Dance
At 53:00 in the video, he said the Lord told him, "Those who dance that does not glorify me or my Father will be crushed like and egg and cast into hell." He saw a young man in hell, who was break dancing, who asked, "Lord, why can't I stop dancing?" And the Lord told him there is no repentance in hell.
My marriage is at hand
Jesus dressed in a white suit like He was going to a wedding. He said with a meek voice, “One more chance. Repent. My marriage is at hand. Repent before I come. May the grace of my Father rest upon the heads.”
Warning to those worshipping idols
"Tell those worshipping idols, especially the Roman Catholics, that they should stop doing that or I will crush them and cast them from my sight into the lake of fire where there shall be gnashing of teeth and their smoke shall rise forever."
Warning to those answering with big titles
"Preach the Truth or else you will be cast into the bottomless put. Tell those answering with big titles like Bishop, Archbishop, Most Reverend, Reverend, Right Reverend, I don’t know them by that. I know them by their name and their works." (see Matthew 23:8-10).
Warning to those who attend festivals
"Traditions of men: those who attend festivals in the name of worshipping idols or in the remembrance of anything, I shall crush them and cast them into the fire. Mt 15: 1-28. He saw Pope John Paul II in hell."
God shall remove His hedge
The words "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" were written across the screen. "God has rejected humanity, and God shall remove His hedge and the adversary (devil) shall prevail."
Warning to those seeking husbands, wives, or for children
"Those seeking husbands, wives, or for children that I will come to their aid and to be strong for me because satan has released his angels with darts to destroy them."
Warning to those who are in dispute with one another
"Tell those who are in dispute with one another that if they don’t agree, I will crush them and throw them into the lake of fire. If one of them is ready to reconcile and the other refuses, tell that person to reconcile with him or I will crush him and cast him into the lake of fire."
Warning to those who are fighting
"Tell boxers and wrestlers stop wrestling or else I will send them into the lake of fire." Samuel used to be a very big wrestling fan.
Warning to Presidents, governors, and judges
"Tell Presidents and governors who embezzle money made from the food of men to repent."
"Judges who accept bribes do not give justice and must repent."
Warning to those who divorce
"People who divorce do not enter my kingdom." (listen to video for more details).
Warning regarding false prophets
"False prophets come from hell to deceive humanity. Many shall be deceived. It is a sign of My coming."
Warning to those taking of sweet substances
"Taking of sweet substances whether liquid or solid to be watchful because some are snakes, and they can possess a person quickly. So be watchful."
Prepare for the rapture
"Prepare for the rapture. It will be like a dream." The Lord gave him Mt 24:29-31, and he saw a picture of the people being caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and the caption said, “Come, My faithful servants.”
"There shall be wars and earthquakes before I come. I will heal the sick. Keep on praising me and I will rise with my flaming sword to fight."
Godly Attire
"A man should not put on the attire of a woman, and a woman should not put on the attire of a man or harlot: silver, gold, attachments*, changing of skin, painting of eyes and mouth, or fixing of any artificial thing (Prov 7:1-27). The Lord has spoken; now obey. I will curse them that disobey."
Sections of hell
Samuel saw some of the sections of hell. There were separate sections for those who lived in worldliness, covetousness, fighting, stealing, liars, idolatry, and compromising. These are some of the sections in hell.
"My chosen ministers are not preaching my true Word. They are compromising. Tell them to change or else hell is awaiting them."
Warning to Ministers
"Pastors who put any form of diagram on my altar and call my name there I am angry with them. And I will send them to hell."
"Remember, there will be lots of parties all around. Be watching because satan will use parties to capture souls through that. He has made an arrangement of darts. Beware of parties you attend."
Warning to those who live in sin
"Tell those who live in sin to repent before I come."
Warning to those who are greedy
Tell those who are greedy and think only about themselves and forget about others, I will pay them in their own coin.
Warning to Aborters
"I created sex for married men and women...If they know they are not ready yet, why do they do it?" Then they get pregnant and take the baby's life. "That's adding one sin to another. No Aborters will enter My Kingdom. I will double their torment."
Warning to Those who pronounce negative words
Those who pronounce negative words on their children or any person, their mouth shall be taught on how to pronounce negative words in hell with demons piercing their mouths. And their cries rise forever because I told you to pronounce positive words.
Warning to Those who Gossip
"Tell those who are gossiping one another that they should stop doing that and repent. If not, I shall bind them and cast them into the lake of fire. Prepare. I am coming very soon. I, the Lord, have spoken. Mt 7:1-6."
Worldly church
"The world is in my house and I am going to crush it like an egg in my hand." The Lord [was] there with the world in his hand and He was closing His hand to crush it like an egg, but Samuel began to cry for mercy. The Lord opened his hand once again.
Warning to Cultists
Tell those in cults, "Repent and I will be their Father."
Warning to those keeping boyfriends and girlfriends
"Tell those keeping boyfriends and girlfriends to repent or else I shall cast them into the burning furnace of hell. Millions of them are in hell. Satan is coming with angels to deceive humanity. Therefore, humanity is doomed. As for my sheep, I will be with them. And I will not leave them."
Club leaders and supporters such as Pink Ladies
"Warn them to stop doing what they are doing, including those who support them."
Warning to those practicing witchcraft and enchantment
"Tell those practicing all manner of enchantment or witchcraft to stop and repent or I will destroy them with the twinkle of an eye."
Warning to those playing games
"Those playing games or any medium to stop because demons possess them without them knowing." For example, "Motor combat" and other demonic games.
Warning to those who convert the property of my church
"Those who convert (covet?) the property of my church or of the poor shall be cast into the lake of fire burning forever."
Warning to Decide before I come
"I shall come very soon. Decide before I come. Don’t make me angry, because if I get angry, the earth and humanity cannot stand it."
Warning to those using talents to make money
"Tell those using the talents I gave them to make money and their hearts desires to stop or else I will take it from them and give it to another. I will cast them into the lake of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Mt 25:14-30."
Warning to those neglecting their work or commission
"Whosoever shall neglect the work or commission given to him or her, I shall pay him or her with my wrath, and my wrath shall not depart from his or her household. He who loveth his soul shall do it, but he who hateth his soul, I shall fill his belly with my fiery wrath forever in hell."
"I did not create hell for humanity. I created hell for satan and the fallen angels. But humanity has made My Blood to be in vain."
Handling the sheep
"Be careful the way you handle My sheep so that My wrath will not come upon you. But make Me happy, and I will clothe you with fine linen in my Father’s house."
The Lion of Judah shall prevail
"I and the devil are like two lions fighting to defend their territory. But I, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, I shall prevail. And the earth shall shake in the time of battle."
"Prepare! The feast of the Lord is at hand."
Warning to those use artificial nails
"Tell those using artificial nails to repent and change. Or else if they die with it, they cannot enter my kingdom, because they are like lion’s in my sights. And I do not want them to enter my Kingdom, so that they will not come and tear my sheep apart in my Kingdom. Therefore, repent. Remember, you might not know when I shall come. Those that ask for mercy, I shall show mercy, and I will wipe away their tears forever."
"Tell Andy Adiri to repent and change and preach holiness and righteousness to my sheep or else I will crush him through hell and through its demons, and to renounce that title that he is answering. Whosoever is afraid of man is not fit for my purpose. 1 Co 10:12."
Hell shall not prevail
"I shall hear and answer the cry of my very elect. I shall stand with my flaming sword against the darts of the devil, and satan and hell shall not prevail over you. The grace that thou seekest shall I deliver unto thee."
Miracle and Breakthrough Services
"Tell those holding programs of miracles, breakthrough, prosperity, and other men-pleasers and desires to stop and preach salvation and save their souls from hell. I will bless them according to My will. Good things are awaiting them that do the will of my Father."
"Therefore, go unto the four corners of the earth and preach salvation."
Warning to parents about raising children
"Beware of the way you train your children and be watchful of whom you hand them over to. I have destined them for my purpose, but because of the callousness of the caretakers, many of them are destroyed. Be watchful and be prepared like a soldier ready for battle. Stand firm and be strong and hold your peace and I will fight for you."
"Every man will be paid according to the cup he uses to measure to one another. Like I said before, many shall be deceived unto condemnation. Give and it shall be given unto you."
Sincere Repentance
"Not only to say, 'I repent,' but [to depart] from the acts."
"Whosoever says a righteous man is foolish, he himself is foolish."
"You have not repented from your heart. Let the man that loveth his soul be sober and repent. But a foolish man hateth his own soul unto condemnation."
Obey and keep my commandments
"If you want to be like me, therefore obey and keep my commandments and also to make my Kingdom."
Endureth to the end
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but he that endureth to the end the same shall be great in my Father’s house."
Wake up, sleepers!
"Arise from thy sleeping. For the Lord Jesus is calling you. A man that sleepeth is not fit for my works. If thou sleepest, there shall be no mercy until the day of judgment."
Warning to those worried about many things
"Be not troubled with many things like Martha. Peace be with you. Every man to his bed." This was at a time when Samuel was exhausted and asked the Lord for a chance to sleep.
"A man who is like Martha cannot fit into my agenda. There’s a place I love, and a time I am wroth. If thou desire to run with my message, you must not look back. Remember, he that puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for my purpose."
Stand firm and be strong
"Let every man stand firm with his shield and his sword and be prepared for battle again the beast and the darts he has shot. Let every man be strong to stand against the darts of satan and the dragon."
"Satan and the dragon are preparing to devour millions of souls. Be strong for me and I will be with you."
Warning to those who rise above their own measure
"Let not man rise above his measure or else I shall prune him down totally. I have spoken. Now so shall it be."
Many are falling away
"Many of my very elect are falling and they have disappointed me. Therefore shall my wrath be kindled against them 100-fold." Jesus then bowed his head and was shaking his head.
Godly Dress
"Tell those ministers who are saying, 'Come as you are,' and do not teach my sheep on how they should dress, my wrath shall be kindled against them. Tell them who please themselves and men to repent or else I shall cast them into the outer lake of fire."
Judgment is coming, and is already here
"My judgment is already upon the earth, so repent and change."
"After death is judgment. When the carcass is there the eagle is present. Therefore so shall the eagles feed on the flesh of those that did not repent and obey me."
Why have you rejected Me?
"Oh, oh, humanity, I love you. But why have you rejected Me and wandered after the beast and after the dragon. Remember, like I said, in the last days, many shall be deceived unto condemnation. Therefore why hath my very elect forsaken me? Shall they make me wroth always and not to please me? Oh, oh, my chosen elect have (has) fallen, and I shall raise up those that ask for my help."
The demon that causes accidents
The Lord showed him, Beelzebuk, who is the demon that causes accidents and killings. Samuel drew a diagram of this demon, which will have one-on-one combat with archangel Michael in the last days.
"You believers, learn to pray before (and cover yourself in) the journey, and dress as a Christian and let your character be as a Christian character, because satan has sent his blood-sucking demons to bring blood for him to use. Therefore beware and pray earnestly, because Beelzebuk has already fired darts to cause accidents. Therefore let my Name be praised. It is by mercy that thou art alive to this day."
Learn to forgive and not to accuse
"If anyone offends you, learn to forgive and not to accuse. Don’t be like the accuser of the brethren, the devil."
"Let every man be strong…lest they should fall."
"Let every man mind his cause and don’t mind the cause of his fellow human being, because every man has his own cause on the judgment day."
Be mindful of the kind of words you use
"Let every man be mindful of the kind of words that come out of your mouth."
"I have warned you not to use negative words on anybody…the soul that sinneth shall surely die."
Pray for the salvation of your soul and other souls
"If you want me to save others, keep on praying for them and I shall arise with my flaming sword. And I and Michael the archangel and his hosts shall war and fight and shall deliver them."
"A man that is afraid of his soul for my sake, his soul shall be saved. He that laugheth at a soul that repents is foolish. He that asks for mercy shall receive mercy. Let every man pray for the salvation of his soul, and of the souls of others. I am the God of orderliness. If I did not love humanity, would I have come and died? Would not humanity be doomed forever? Upon my love, humanity sees it as nothing."
"Do you know what it takes for me to shed my Blood and pay the price for your soul?"
"Those who ask for sanctification shall I give sanctification. If it is not from your heart, I shall not deliver."
Barack Obama
"Look at Barack Obama. Many of my ministers made the mistake by praying him in to win the election. He has deceived my ministers that he’s a Christian, and many of my ministers followed him because of his material things…Now he is obeying you? Only that my ministers have done, it’s enough for me to send them to hell, but because of my love, I am still waiting for them to repent. Yet they don’t want to repent."
At 2:06:29 in the video: "Obama is not a human being. He’s a demon. Now my people are suffering over there in America. Now he has given an order that gays, homosexuals, and lesbians should be given their rights. I will destroy him and the ministers that agree with him. So let every man plead his case before me and I shall forgive they that ask forgiveness. They that ask forgiveness from their heart shall I forgive."
"T.D. Jakes is included. He should also preach holiness and righteousness to my sheep. And he should change from his worldliness."
“Morris Cerullo is included.”
"Tell T.B Joshua to repent from his worldliness and the worldliness of his members. And he should preach salvation, holiness, and righteousness to my sheep. Out of the whole congregation, there is no one qualified for heaven. I have spoken."
The Lord gave Samuel the following Scriptures for these ministers in connection with the above warning. Please read them carefully, and help get this warning to them, and other ministers like them: Is 52:1-15; 56:1-12; 61:1-12; 63:1-19; 65:1-25; Jer 7:1-29; 6:1-30; 5:1-31; 2:1-37; 11:1-23; 16:1-13; 19:1-15; Col 3:1-25; Jer 25:15-38; Ez 21:1-32; Mt 5:1-48; 10:1-42; Ex 21:36; 22:1-15. After reading these, I can see the Lord is angry, and has given a very big reading assignment with all these chapters. Yet there is a very clear message from the Lord in these passages.
"I hate carnivals with a passionate hatred."
"Tell those named 'Achan' to change their name. (Jos 7:1-26), because it is a rebellious name."
Warning about art that does not glorify God
"Tell those who draw any diagram or creature that does not glorify me, I shall cast them into the lake of fire. In fact, nobody should even draw, because some of these artists are demons, and they are (cartoonists?) used for satan. Therefore, repent and beware."
Warning to parents about cartoons
"Beware of the kind of cartoons your children watch, because they are demons capturing souls for satan."
Warning to those who are proud
"Tell those who are proud and look down on others as poor men that they should repent and change because every man are one in my Father’s house."
Be careful how you handle the Lord's sheep
"Tell my pastors that I am angry with them because of the way they handle my sheep. Therefore I will send them into hell. Oh, oh, oh, my blood I shed is in vain to these wicked generations of vipers. I love them and I want to save them, but they see it as nothing."
Jesus rebukes satan to his face
Samuel said: “Then from 11:00 to 11:54 PM, He gave me the diagram of Lucifer himself. And this is what he’s saying: ‘No! Humanity cannot be saved from my hand. I am Lucifer! No, no, no! Linda did her own damage. Ezekiel Moses did his own. Michael Sambo did his own. Abraham Yakubu did his own. And…No, no, no! This little boy, Tega Samuel Immanuel wants to cause (cost) me more damage. Beelzebok and Jozebok, prepare the army for battle. This must not happen. Prepare for battle. No, no! I was cast out from heaven. Now I am in my kingdom, which is hell fire. What have I done to deserve this damage? It was only humanity that chose hell. No, no! I shall be prepared for battle. I am Lucifer, and no one can take away humanity from my hand!’
“So after that, Jesus Christ now answered. Jesus said with anger (at that time his eyes were red), ‘I, the Lord of hosts, rebuke you, satan! Did you shed your blood for their souls? You wicked and unfaithful servant of My Father’s house! Because you want to overthrow My Father, and you did not succeed, then you are cast away. Why are you now complaining? I shall kill you with my flaming sword of fire. In our last battle I will, at the last day of My Father’s judgment. And My Father shall be seated in heaven, and watch I and you and your armies fighting, and I shall prevail over thee, and the name of My Father shall be glorified.’”
Then the Lord said to Samuel, “Be not afraid, son, I am with thee, and Lucifer shall not overcome thee, because I have chosen you.”
Samuel says, “After I finished drawing the diagram of Lucifer, I fainted.They could not carry me. I became as heavy as sand.”
Closing prayer point
“Oh, Lord, let nothing deprive me of heaven!”
You may watch the video of Samuel Oghenetega's Testimony of His Encounters with Jesus at this link. I also recommend watching the video of his parents' testimony about their son's first encounter.
Please prayerfully listen to his testimony, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to him. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.
Repent for every sin you have committed, and cry out to Jesus Christ for mercy for your soul. Trust Him to save you, and walk in the Spirit every step of the way, abiding in Christ every moment of the day.
*Usually, the term hair "attachments" refers to wigs, false hair, or any artificial accessory that is woven into or clipped onto the hair. The issue is that such attachments change the hair unnaturally. While simple hair clips used for the purpose of tying back the hair should not be a problem, they are a type of artificial attachment; some are worldly while others aren't, so it depends on the type and the purpose. Likewise, regarding wristwatches, the Lord is against any kind of showy watch that you wear for fashion like jewelry, or as a status symbol. Regarding the artificial teeth, this probably refers to gold teeth. It's only a sin when you use artificial things for fashion, not health reasons. It's the same thing as using an artificial arm or leg, which is not a sin. Each person should pray earnestly and seek the Lord's guidance about what they wear, whether it pleases Him or not, and be careful not to do anything to change the image of God, in which we were created naturally.
Author's note: Samuel is not personally connected with this site. Please prayerfully listen to this brother's testimony, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to him. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not. For more information on our position, please see Disclaimers.
You are invited to read or listen to the many, amazing testimonies of the supernatural on the Home page of this blog, a few of which are listed below. I also recommend Michael Thomas Sambo's Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Ezekiel Moses Testimony of Heaven and Hell, Tattoos and Body Piercing, The Forgotten Sin of Worldliness, my daughter's poem Beauty Unfading, and Discerning the Things of the Spirit. You may access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."
Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15). He preached that we must repent and believe.
Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"
Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission. www.dmiworld.org.
Thank you for the transcription of this video testimony of Samuel, pastor len. :) Me, too have a hard time understanding his accent. May God continue to bless you!
ReplyDeleteDear brother Microde, you're welcome. Glad it helped. And glad to see you are interested in the holy fire of God. Blessings, and just call me Len.
Deleteafter many days of watching this it remain fresh in my memory ,I thank the LORD for this happening in days ,Ipray for those who are still doubting or fighting this testimony and for the blog owner GOD bless you in JESUS NAME
ReplyDeleteDear Theophilus, thanks for the comment! Your prayers are very much needed and appreciated. The Lord bless you!
Deletethank you Len for this video, i have listened to it and i want to thank God and the Lord Jesus Christ for the life of those he is using as his vessel for us to come back to our first Love with Him my name is Julie though i have backslided and never stop loving Him but i never stop listening to messages from God because they are alive but now i have to retrieve back my footstep to our LORD because His coming soon! just few days ago i saw in my dreams a man in a satin white shinning robe with a brown skin like people from the middle east and it is like he is walking on the sky clear blue white shiny like crystals and was looking worried walking from east to west and i spoke out so this is Jesus so this is how he really look like the middle east people with brown skin and it was as if he has left the room where he does intercession for us all and was waiting for the trumpet to sound so i woke up please do remember to pray for me in your closet because i did have the calling but i backslided.
ReplyDeleteDear sister Julie, thank God for what He's done in your life! I pray He will do a mighty work in your life. The Lord bless you!
DeleteI feel sick. I think we have all been guilty of a handful of some of these things because society says it is acceptable. When I read this I feel a pain in my stomach because I know that it is true. I just had this strong feeling that I would not be able to answer to God for my actions.
ReplyDeleteWhen I come back to this website I just see so much truth. How can it be the work of the devil to to tell us to turn away from doing wrong ?
I am going to pray pray pray...
Now when I look at my life I can see there was a point in my life when I used to be happy . It was when I regularly prayed. I think somewhere in my late teens I began to lose faith I stopped praying as much. Now in my adult life I often feel a deep unhappiness and I don't know why. But now I do. It is God's way of telling me that I am lost . That I am being influenced by the evil ways of the world. That I am filling my life with things destined to make me feel unfulfilled and unhappy.
It is funny but after reading this website I felt a strong need to tell my family members they need to start reading the bible. That they need to repent. I felt no shame whatsoever in telling them to stop reading all these silly books written by men about how we should live our lives.
Do you notice in the world today people have moved away from Jesus to using therapists and reading self help books. These are all works of the devil. In today's world Oprah and Dr. Phil are the new Jesus.
Nowadays we fill our lives with so much noise . So much nonsense.
Especially this Facebook thing. It is so evil.
One day I just decided that I need to shut it down for ever and you know what I feel so liberated. I feel like i have more time to focus on things that are important to life.
Facebook is making people into self worshipping , narcissists. It is also part of the sin of being artificial. Do you ever notice on facebook people only want to talk about positive things. They don't want to hear the truth. Facebook is for people that want to escape reality. They also only post pictures of themselves when they are at their best and post false pictures of their lives.
We complain we have no time but what exactly are we spending our time doing. We have lost all sense of the true purpose of life. We are taught that the purpose of life is to make money and have an exciting career. To have as much fun as possible. God has no play.
He is forgiving so we can do whatever we want and still go to heaven as long as we say we believe in him. No it is not !!!
However, I actually don't understand the comment about those seeking husband though. Is it wrong to want to get married and to actively pursue this ?
This is the only comment that makes no sense to me.
Can you explain Len ??
Suzie, I was smiling and saying "Amen!" as I read your comments. About seeking a marriage partner, I think what the Lord was warning against was the worldly practice of dating, which is keeping girlfriends and boyfriends. This is not found in the Bible and leads to temptation to sensuality and sexual immorality.
DeleteHowever, the Lord gave a message to "Those seeking husbands, wives, or for children." His message was "I will come to their aid and to be strong for me because satan has released his angels with darts to destroy them." I think many people are deeply desiring to be married or to have children, and the enemy knows this, so he has darts prepared to take advantage of their weakness and destroy them. The Lord is saying they must be strong for Him, do things His way, and not give the devil an opportunity.
Personally, I think courtship as practiced by godly Christian singles is more in line with the biblical way of finding a marriage partner. I think godly parents or else godly pastoral leaders should be involved in the process. Prayer is foundational, even with fasting. Women should not be pursuing men. When the Lord confirms His will for two people to enter into courtship, it should be done only after godly counsel and with open accountability. The couple should make a public commitment before loved ones such as parents and/or church, because they should not be entering into this lightly, and not entering into courtship unless they feel led to be married one day. Their time together should be in public, not private, and even sometimes accompanied by others. They must remain pure with the Lord's help, and reserve sex for marriage. I think this was at the heart of that warning. Shalom! Len
Okay . I thought so.
DeleteI often used to ask my father why is it that the church does not actively try to assist christians in finding a good husband.
There are so many people out there with so many types of beliefs. The whole process of dating is a very tricky one in this world for a christian.
I think alot of people just give up eventually and sacrifice their values because they don't want to be alone.
Also a lot of these so called christian singles websites are also very dangerous. I myself when I was single have met people on these websites that are not christian at all.
They even encourage people that are divorced to enter these websites.
There are a lot of divorced men on these websites actively pursuing relationships and corrupting single women.
The world has reached a state where it is wrong for a woman to discuss marriage with a guy that she is dating because she might seem too eager. What exactly does that mean ??
I do not understand this. Why date if you are not thinking about marriage? Why should you allow a guy to use you sexually and have all the benefits of being married without discussing commitment.
If you are reduced to meeting christian men on the internet then that doesn't say much about the society you are living in. Instead of encouraging christians to meet on the internet. The churches should be working on figuring out how to get christians to meet face to face in their own communities.
When you meet people on the internet you can never really know what they believe. People often lie to suit the situation.
I see so many women that are lost and confused. However the church does nothing to help.
Yes I strongly believe that we should go back to this process of having chaperones.
It is very easy when alone with someone of the opposite sex to slip into doing wrong. There are alot of people that don't believe in sex before marriage that are still doing other sexual things that they should not be doing. And they think that it is okay as long as there is no actual penetration.
There are people meeting through church and doing wrong.
I personally know a guy that told me he is even wary of meeting girls through church because he went once on a date with a girl that he met through church and when they were in the cinema she would try to touch him inappropriately.
I myself went to catholic girls school growing up and came across many girls that were doing these things. I went to a catholic girls school and they would often be having discussions like "how far have you gone with a guy" ??
Alot of catholic schools are having so called bazaars where girls and boys come together for parties and do very wrong things while dancing.
Parents should be very careful with their daughters and sons. Alot of parents are too trusting.
Alot of parents are often afraid of saying the truth because they are afraid of losing their children.
If you are not ready for marriage then don't date.
Suzie, I mostly agree with you, but would like to reply to a couple questions you asked. You stated: "The world has reached a state where it is wrong for a woman to discuss marriage with a guy that she is dating because she might seem too eager. What exactly does that mean ?? I do not understand this. Why date if you are not thinking about marriage?"
DeleteMy point is that dating is sin. It involves going out together alone, meeting in private, and becoming intimately acquainted together, without any pre-committment to marriage. I encourage you to do some research on Christian Courtship and how that is different from dating. It is not dating at all. It starts with the man's intent to marry the woman. Permission is granted from parents or elders, a public commitment is made by the couple to become married one day and remain pure and chaste until marriage. There are many differences, but it is not dating and should not be called dating, since that implies that on one particular date, one is with this particular person, but on another date, one is with another person. Even if you say you are "going steady," and you are dating the same person for a long time, such as years, this is a recipe for sexual immorality. At the very least the couple going steady will probably become emotionally attached and at least one person could become sexually attracted to the other. If it doesn't result in marriage between the couple, then there will be a broken heart, and that couple has perhaps sinned by committing acts that are reserved only for marriage.
You stated, "If you are not ready for marriage then don't date." I think the Lord is saying "Don't date," but let him answer your prayers for a marriage partner, and enter into that relationship by the leading of the Holy Spirit, in a holy manner, according to Scripture, not in a dating relationship.
You stated: "The world has reached a state where it is wrong for a woman to discuss marriage with a guy that she is dating because she might seem too eager. What exactly does that mean ?? I do not understand this."
The way God has created a man and woman is that a woman is a responder. She responds to a man. When a woman pursues a man, it can lead to sin due to the way men are created by God to take the lead. It leads to temptation. I will not go into detail on this, but I think you will understand.
Yes. Shalom.
DeleteBy by eager I meant' that if you don't have access to christian courtship and you are in the world out there you have to make it clear up front to men that you are a christian and these are your values. However mainstream society classify's that as being too eager. Because it is a fact that mant people nowadays think that dating is a right and marriage is an option. You should have fun first and well if we still like each other after a few years maybe we will discuss marriage. I didn't mean that women should actively pursue men. I was just stating that if unfortunately you are in the secular world out there you have to say upfront that you are looking for a marriage oriented relationship which by the way scares secular men away ha! because they want to have fun first without commitment. They see commitment as an option.
And also sorry but nowadays the term date is used so loosely that even Christians called christian courtship dating. So yes i fully agree with you. I am maybe not using your terminology.
Keep up the good work.
Glad we are understanding each other. Thanks for clarifying. Shalom!!
DeleteLen. In relation to artificial teeth he is referring to the way most celebrities nowadays are covering their natural teeth with porcelain white veneers to make their teeth look perfect. If you look at all magazines you will see celebrities teeth look unusually perfect and white. These procedures cost thousands of dollars. It makes them look very fake. Alot of news reporters do it too.
ReplyDeleteHi. so if i watch wrestling will it lead me to hell. i only watch wrestling in my free time im not a fan of it as i once was.
ReplyDelete' Likewise, regarding wristwatches, the Lord is against any kind of showy watch that you wear for fashion like jewelry, or as a status symbol, rather than just a plain and simple time piece.' Len, how can you be sure of this? Samuel's testimony is that the Lord is against wearing wristwatches. Of course this has to be tested. But if you think the testimony as a whole is from God, then surely you need some good reason to say that this particular segment is inaccurate. For myself, I have always found myself taking wristwatches off and putting them in my pocket. If we are made in God's image, perhaps even this mars the image?
Hey, Andrew! I asked Pr. Paul Rika about this, the Int'l Director of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide, who was in the room when brother Samuel gave this testimony. Pr. Paul said he addressed brother Samuel afterward about it, and it was Pr Paul who told me that this admonition about watches would only apply as I have explained in the footnote you have just quoted, not to a simple time piece. I hope that helps. Shalom!
DeleteThanks, Len. Well, I suppose I would ask the same question of the pastor -whether he had some basis for changing what appeared to have been said to something a little different, which certainly seems more in line with what most would see as reasonable or measured. 'Do not put on anything artificial like gold and silver, wristwatches, artificial teeth..' was reported as the actual words of the Lord Jesus, and it doesn't seem impossible or unscriptural that He might say that. It's worth praying about, I think. Blessings, Andrew
ReplyDeleteYes, I'd encourage you to contact Pr. Rika about that. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteLen, may the grace and strength from our Lord Jesus Christ be unto you unceasingly, Amen.
Quite a few blogs refuse to publish such revelations for reasons I cannot understand.
Your website has really helped to strengthen some of us who choose to remain on the ancient path of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you
You're welcome. To God be all the glory.
DeleteI have seen and read a lot of testimonies of this nature and the messages it puts across is brief and straight to the point: The church must be prepared for Christ.Holiness is key. But there are portions of these messages that doesnt sit well with me, not that i don't believe them but we must test everything against scripture. What is wrong with women wearing trousers( not provocative or revealing), Jewelry too, the new testament doesnt condemn any of this. I stand to be corrected.
ReplyDeleteDear Nana B, I recommend reading my article, Garments of Godliness, and my article Godly Attire and Adornment, as well as the other articles in these that I have linked to.
I feel sick after reading this. I always considered myself a christian and thought I lived a decent life as a Christian. After reading this I feel like the biggest sinner on earth. I seriously feel like its impossible to get into heaven now. I have a family and cannot just sit in a dark room and pray all day. I have children to take care of, errands, homework, housework, a job, ect. This seems like you cannot do anything or you are destined for he El ll. Im sorry, I dont mean to sound negative and unGodly, I just feel like glimpsing at a tv or playing a game will send me t opportunity hell. How is it possible to avoid all 8f these "sins"? I feel like crying because I dont think I can ever be good enough. I feel like God is not the kind merciful God if he will send me to hell for covering gray hairs or plucking my brows.
ReplyDeleteDear friend, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” (2 Cor 7:10). So please be sure that your sorrow is the godly kind, according to the will or God, and not the worldly kind that regrets the loss of worldly things. Remember Lot’s wife.
DeleteI think the appropriate way to respond is to repent sincerely for what you know you have been doing that is sin and ask forgiveness from the Lord, and ask Him for help to live a holy and perfect life, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. Then move forward in Christ taking it one day at a time. You need to seek the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the baptism with fire, if you have not already received. Here are some articles to help you:
"If today you hear His voice, do not harden your heart." Grace and peace.
I always believed and will ever believe, because even before the message, words of this kind as been spoken to us and we were given bible scriptures and reasons to that from our pastor(my Dad) now he is dead. The next Pastor still continues steadfast in it
ReplyDeletehow i wish other people accept it
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Genesis 35:2 King James Version (KJV)
Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments
Sir I want to ask you a question is Christmas and easter a sin
ReplyDeleteAccording to Scripture, these holidays do not exist and there is no requirement to celebrate them. Their origins are in pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church originally borrowed (eg., winter solstice), and their symbols are pagan (eggs, bunnies, chicks, wreaths, Christmas trees, Santa Claus who knows if you've been naughty or nice, dresses in red, flies through the air, can be everywhere at once, and has little elves working for him, etc.). Be careful what you participate in. It is not wrong to sing a godly hymn about the birth of Christ, but he is not a baby any more. He has risen from the dead and is alive forever. He reigns over all. Likewise, it's not wrong to sing about or celebrate his resurrection around the time following the Jewish Passover, but why not sing of it and celebrate it all year long? Besides that, the date for Christmas is not even near the most likely time of Christ's birth and is synched up with the winter solstice instead, which is a very dark time of year when pagans celebrate.