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Seven Colombian disciples who saw hell |
The full length testimony is available below, and I highly recommend listening to it in its entirety!
I know that some people reading this will not believe, because it doesn't fit into their box. Some will be skeptical and tempted to speak against these servants of God. But please be careful not to do this! Please prayerfully listen to the testimony of these seven Columbians, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to them. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.
The apostle Paul said, "But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one." (1Co 2:14-15)
The original testimony was in Spanish, and transcribed into English. You can get contact names and numbers, along with their photos, from their website. I do not believe it's a myth. Seven people testified to it.
Some People Who Once Knew Jesus Are in Hell
According to seven youths, the worst section of hell, where the torments are worse than any human could express with words, is reserved for those who knew the Lord during their lifetime. One youth testified, "These are people who knew Jesus and the Word of God – pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and all types of people that had once accepted Jesus and knew the Truth, but lived a double life. Their lives were not clean before the holy presence of the Lord. There were also backsliders, and their suffering was a thousand times worse than anyone else. Those souls were there because they preached and fasted. They sang and lifted their hands in the church. But in the streets and the homes, they were in adultery, fornication, lying, and robbery."
The Lord told the youths, “You cannot play with God or with the flames of hell either.” He also told them, “My sons, all the suffering on the earth concentrated in just one place is nothing – nothing -- compared with the suffering that a person has in the best parts of hell.” If this is true of those who suffer the least in hell, how much more must it be for those in the center of hell, who once knew the Lord and walked away from him.
Imagine - John Lennon in Hell
When Jesus took seven youths for a tour of hell, they saw many people there. One of the people they saw in hell was John Lennon, a member of the satanic Beatles group. During his life he had mocked and ridiculed the Lord. But in hell, after his life on earth had ended, he was upside down in a cauldron of fire with flames reaching nine to twelve feet high. The flesh was falling off his face in pieces.
On December 5, 1980, fifteen years earlier, he had been shot five times by a crazy fan as he and his wife, Yoko, were returning to their apartment building in New York City. John staggered into the building saying; "I'm shot!" Yoko called for help. Two police vehicles arrived in minutes, and one rushed John to Roosevelt Hospital. Lennon died in transit, and evidently went straight to hell.
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Lennon signing his autograph for murderer Mark Chapman |
In my opinion, Lennon sold his soul to satan, who took his life at age 40. His fans sang this song upon his death. They sang, “Imagine there’s no heaven…no hell below us…imagine…nothing to…die for, and no religion, too.” In his song, Give Peace a Chance, he promoted wicked, sinful behavior and the world’s false religions, as well as the United Nations. They have a website dedicated to him and an Imagine Peace Tower in Iceland made of white stone with fifteen beams of light. They even have an Imagine Mosaic dedicated to him in New York City's Central park. There you can almost always find someone strumming on a guitar to the tune of one of his songs. He is remembered as an advocate for a more peaceful world – a world without Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, without whom there can be no peace.
Now Lennon has no peace. According to the testimony of the seven Colombian youths, he has nothing but torment in the fires of hell, apart from Christ forever and ever. When he saw Jesus with those seven Columbian youths, he remained watching the Lord intently from inside the flames. He called Him, “Lord,” as he begged Jesus to get him out of that place. He shouted, “Lord, have mercy! Lord, give me a chance! Lord, take me out of this place! But the Lord Jesus didn’t even want to look at him. He simply turned his back on Lennon, just as he had turned so many people away from Christ during his lifetime. When Jesus did this, the man started to curse and blaspheme the Lord.
Interestingly Lennon had a phobia of cremation, and dreaded the thought of being cremated when he died. According to controversial biographer Albert Goldman, "Lennon had a horror of cremation, a practice that he inveighed against and once proposed to protest in a song. Despite his aversion, his widow arranged to have his body burned." According to the account of Lennon’s assistant, Fred Seaman, in his book "The last days of John Lennon", Lennon’s security man, Douglas MacDougal told him that John's face had been serene and calm until just before the body entered the oven, when suddenly it contorted into a "pained, macabre grin." This may have been due to rigor mortis or a demonic manifestation within his corpse. Whether or not this is true, we don’t know. But we do know, according to what the youths saw, that he is now in painful torment in eternal flames.
His wife Yoko would like to imagine that Lennon has peace though, and she continues to proclaim that message to the world. On December 8, 2011, the 31st anniversary of his death, the Washington Post reported that she told the Vancouver Sun, “Now that John's a spirit, he has a different effect on people than when he was alive,” she told the Sun. “Spirits talk on a pure level and don't get distracted by people saying things like, 'That's nice, but why's he wearing that?'” One thing is for sure, his soul is talking, but he’s not talking on a pure level. He is crying out in pain and is still blaspheming Christ.
Putting it All Together
My friend, hell is real. Jesus warned us about this in Scripture. And the Lord gave these Colombians this experience, in order to warn those of us who are still alive on the earth. He did this because many people are dying and going to hell every minute.
Please don't think you can play games with God. You may be able to play with fire on earth, but you cannot play with the fires of hell. As long as you are still alive on earth, you have a chance to avoid going there. Don't delay doing so for another day.
If you have known the Lord, but have gone astray and fallen into sin, then repent and return to the Lord before it's too late! This is an opportunity to let the Holy Spirit search your heart and reveal any areas that are not right with God. Let Him reveal any sin that may be in your life. Who has first place in your life today? Is it Jesus? Or is it someone or something else? Don't lie to yourself and think you can live a double life. You can't live one way in church and then another way outside of church. Even sin such as gossip, greed, and vanity are serious sins to God. Don't be presumptuous. Don't classify your sins, thinking they are relatively minor compared to others.
Backsliding Christians can repent and return to the Lord. But if they don't, then when they die they will suffer eternal torment for the sins they are committing. There is no such thing as "eternal security!" I've written about that in another post called "Drifting Away." The Lord repeatedly told the youths, “Without holiness, no man will see Me. Without holiness, no man will see Me.” I've recently written about this topic in another post called "Holy Living in a Perverted World." Yet many believers today don't understand the need for holiness. They are living in sin, thinking they will go to heaven when they die.
Everyone arrives in hell for their own acts, so they cannot blame God. Paul the apostle wrote to the Galatians, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life." (Gal 6:7-8). We will each reap what we've sown. Some will reap eternal life, because they spend their lives sowing to please the Spirit. You know who they are, because the fruit of the Spirit is evident in their lives - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Others who sow to their own flesh will reap corruption.
You have an opportunity today to turn from sin and cry out to Jesus for mercy. I urge you to do that right now while there is still time -- before it's too late. God will forgive you, if you repent.
Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.
Author's note: The Seven Colombian Youth are not personally connected with this site. Please prayerfully listen to their testimony, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to them. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not. For more information on our position, please see Disclaimers.
You may also listen to the testimony of the Revelation of Heaven to Seven Columbian youths or read it at this link.
If you enjoyed this post, you may find more testimonies like this one the Home page for this blog. You may also access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."
Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15). He preached that we must repent and believe.
Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"
Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission. www.dmiworld.org.
Hi guys,
ReplyDeleteA few months ago I read with fear and horror the hell testimonies of these 7 youths. But lately, I have started to have my doubts over its validity, or if indeed these youths saw a demonic-inspired vision. I am only a recent returner to faith, so I still have many questions about this. Does not the New Testament preach over and over that 'He died so that all who believe in Him may have eternal life?". So effectively, by the Bible's standards, professing Christians would not be condemned to eternal torture. We are human, so even believers sin, both consciously and unconsciously. Yes, Paul said "the wages of sin is death" but goes on to say how Christ has PAID these wages for those who believe.
So Christians who visit nightclubs or don't tithe for a few weeks are apparently doomed? That seems awfully Pharisee-like to me. Paul says that those in Christ no longer live under the law, and are not judged on the basis of the law. Some of what they're preaching is Old Testament stuff. It seems that the New Testament is in direct contradiction to their testimonies.
However, I'm with you- it is unlikely that 7 people who tell the same story are lying. I'm more of the opinion that their vision was a demonic one (Jesus tells us to test spirits to determine their nature). So why would Satan bother with a vision like this one? Because it does nothing but create mind-boggling FEAR and DREAD in people, when we are called to love and serve with gentle, calm hearts. How can we serve a God with loving intentions when we are overwhelmed by anxiety about an eternal barbecue? God wants a genuine, loving relationship with us, not a bunch of panicked robots serving him under the old covenant.
I would love to hear your response to this, as I have not found any other site on the web who have commented on these testimonies for some reason. God Bless, Karoline
Hi, Karoline, thanks for your comment. I'm glad to hear you have returned to the Lord!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, however, I think you are in error regarding this testimony, and urge you to change your position for your own sake. If the Holy Spirit gave this revelation to these people, and someone says that the working of the Holy Spirit is the working of the devil, this is extremely dangerous. There is a wide range of activities performed by the Holy Spirit of God, and therefore a wide range of things a person could do to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, all of which are eternal sins that cannot be forgiven.
I am not going to debate with you over this matter via the comments section of this blog, but I believe that as you search the Scriptures and pray, the Lord will make the Truth clear to you. I encourage you to do that, and also do this. Go to my Writing for the Master blog (http://writingforthemaster.blogspot.com) and find/read the following articles of mine, each of which will address your questions:
Drifting Away
Election and Predestination
Keeping Power of God
Dare to Believe
Holy Living in a Perverted World
Salvation with Fear and Trembling
Is Tithing Required?
Is Obedience Optional?
The Law Fulfilled in Us
The Law Established Through Faith
The Cost of Discipleship
The New Covenant
Costly Grace
Avoid Becoming a Corrupted Christian
Deleted Scriptures in the Bible?
Did Jesus Nail the Law to the Cross?
Should you fear the Lord?
The Obedience of Faith
Striving to Enter the Kingdom of God
Discerning the Things of the Spirit
Testing the Spirits of False Prophets
Righteous Deeds and White Robes
Doing What is Right
Afterward, if you are still not sure, then listen to Bro. Michael Thomas Sambo's testimony of heaven and hell, complete with witnesses of his death and return to life at: http://youtu.be/t_6AqiitQ9E
Jesus commissioned him to, “Tell man that if any man wants to see Me, he must walk in truth, righteousness, and holiness. That is the only standard for heaven. Tell man I still love him. Tell man My standard is high. Tell man mercy is only attainable in the world.”
After I posted the reply (above), I happened to be listening to the testimony of Sister Ayo, who experienced heaven.
ReplyDeleteAt 1:23:01 – 1:24:07, she testified that in heaven, Jesus said to her, “The Seven Columbian Youths – I, the Lord, showed them heaven and hell. So go and tell people that – if they do not believe what they are saying – I sent them.”
You can find her testimony at: http://youtu.be/iM5vMIG9XzI
Our GOD is a HOLY GOD. Without Holiness it is impossible to see GOD.The Bible says..."shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound?" The reply, "...God forbid!"
ReplyDeleteJesus did not pay for our sins so we can continue in them. HE expects that we repent and forsake them. HE wants to see us consciously resisting satan/sin, and HE will help us through. HIS Grace is indeed sufficient for us, as we continually desire to please HIM and stay out of sin.
Hey people this is for you and me to take stock of our Christian walk. Heaven and Hell are real. I advise that we repent while there is still time. God bless you
ReplyDeleteFind God while there is still time, Heaven and hell are real. God is waiting for us. This is one of the many testimonies of Heaven and hell which you should not miss to read. It is full of inspiration. Just trust in the Lord our God and we shall be saved in Jesus name.
ReplyDeleteHi Karoline, everything you say is truth, but it is only half of the truth. There is the other side that most Christians don't like to see - that is the call to submit totally to God, to totally obey Him and to live truly holy lives before Him. Our faith means nothing, if we do not do what Jesus told us to do. (Luke 6:46, Mathew 7:21-23, etc.)
ReplyDeleteHi, Johan, thanks for commenting. You are correct in your response to Karoline, who was the first one to comment (above), using the name "Goodness." Our God is good and loving, but He is also holy and righteous. God bless you. Len
DeleteGod bless you Brother len,Our GOD is good because he care for us that's why He is warning us with all this testimonies.After reading this testimony the more i get closer to GOD.I normally visit your site all the time to read testimonies of the end time.As followers of jesus christ we must obey GOD 100% because the standard of heaven is very high.My question to you is is God against the watching of football matches and supporting a football team.Can you provide me with evidence from scriptures.Concerning the wearing of earrings i saw mary baxter who testify about heaven and hell in earrings on one of her book she has written on heaven and hell.What do you make of that? am Osei-tutu from GHANA.thank you.
ReplyDeleteDear brother Osei-tutu, I am glad to hear the Lord is blessing your life and walk with him through this site. Yes, I agree the standard for heaven is high. The Scripture says we must do everything for the glory of God and in the name of Jesus. It says to be innocent of evil and excellent about that which is good. When you consider the violence seen in contact sports, the worldliness, including half-time, the pride, the arrogance, and the pursuit of worldly wealth, as well as the ungodly advertisements on TV with their sexual messages, there would be many Scriptures to cite. About women and men of God who do not live holy lives according to the standard of heaven, the best thing to do is pray for the Lord to have mercy on them. If you are able to share with them these testimonies, then do so. But then it is between them and God what they do with it. We must make sure we ourselves are obeying what we know the Lord requires. Not everyone has yet received the conviction for these sins yet, but with God's help they will. Shalom! Len
DeletePS. Please prayerfully read Pr 24:1 and Ps 101 with regard to your question about football.
DeleteGod Bless you brother Len my name is Deon Landu and I am a born again Christian who went back to the ways of the world. I am trying to find my way to the Lord again wrestling with my spririt and flesh but the flesh is just to rebelious can please advice. God bless you
ReplyDeleteDear Deon Landu, I am so glad to hear you wish to return to the Lord. Some advice from the Bible that I can give you is to fast, pray, renounce the spirit of rebellion, and command it to leave in Jesus' name. Read the Bible as much as possible, especially the gospels, start with Matt 5-7 and Rom 7-8.
ReplyDeleteAlso think about generational curses that may be on you and your family due to past or present behavior. For example, drug use and rock music are occultic. Repent and ask forgiveness. Pray to break the generation curses connected with occult involvement.
The main key here is to connect with God and repent sincerely and intensely (with tears if possible). Then produce the fruit of repentance. If you need help, which you most likely do, then get an accountability partner to hold you accountable and meet with you each week, so you can ask each other accountability questions.
Use David's prayer in Ps 51 as a model for returning to the Lord. Also use the prodigal son's approach to returning to his father (Luke 16) as your model for returning to the Lord.
I hope that helps. Please check out my blogs at http://len-seekingthelord.blogspot.com/ and more at http://writingforthemaster.blogspot.com/2011/06/collection-of-my-blogs.html.
I will pray for you. Let me know how it goes.
Correction: The prodigal son is in Luke 15, not 16.
Deleteare Christians commanded to give tithes and offerings in the church and is it a sin not to tithe
ReplyDeleteDear Patrick, yes and yes. Please see the following articles of mine:
Time is running out let's choose to serve God. He'll and heaven are real. Hell is not for people but for satan and his demons
ReplyDeleteHaleluya .hell and heaven are real.heĺl wasn't made for people but for satan and his demons.let's put our trust in God He will save us
ReplyDeleteAmen, brother Pico. Please consider enrolling in our discipleship school.
Hello bro len . It is a life changing tesimony i have read it and shared it with my friends too. Where can i get the email address of these young people who went to hell? Is there any contact information. I couldnt find it on the website either.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way to get in touch with them as far as I know. I have tried that myself but found no way to do so.