Musical Sins in the Church: Rock, Rap, and Reggae
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Angelica Zambrano |
Angelica stated in her testimony (at 28:50 in the video):
The Lord told me, “I will show you another sin that takes place in the altars at churches, it is in regard to music.”
The Lord showed me people playing and listening to rock music, rap music, reggae music in the altars at churches. This displeases the Lord. The Word of God says He wants us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. He does not say He seeks those who will rap for Him in Spirit and in Truth.
In hell, we moved on to another location. Here was a young man who was singing. He was singing Christian rap or reggae style music. He was singing a song that I know, another musician sings, but I won’t mention that musician’s name. I asked the Lord, “Why is he here? Lord I really want to know, why is he here? Why is he singing?” At this time I was remembering how many musicians are in hell. Selena, Michael Jackson, and many other musicians are burning in hell.
I asked, “Lord, did he sing in church?”
“Yes, daughter, he sang at church.” The Lord did not say anything else after that statement.
The Lord allowed me to approach the young man, but the Lord was holding my hand. So I began speaking with this young man.
He said, “My name is Mark. I am in this place because I did not worship the Lord. I sang rap style music instead. I would sing these songs at church, but I did not like to pray. I had no prayer life. I did not like to seek God’s presence. My purpose in singing these songs was to attract young people to church. I wanted gang members to come to God. I did not realize it is God who must draw them. It is He alone that deals with their hearts.”
I asked, “How long have you been in this place?”
He said, “Four years.”
I asked, “Is there any other reason you are here?”
He said, “Yes, I had very much pride. I am also here because of that. Here, the demons torment me continually and laugh at me. They say, ’Worldly music is an instrument we use to bring youth to this place.”
Mark was completely bound while he spoke to me, even while he sang. His arms and body were tied with snakes. He would cry and ask me, “Can you help me?” I said, “No, Mark, I would if I could, but I cannot.”
He said, “I know I will never get out of here. Look at me, I am in torment. When I died, I fell into a tunnel. After I descended from the tunnel, my body exploded as I landed in hell. Worms came out of my body and I have remained in torment until now. I have become disfigured and the flames of hell continue to burn me. I cannot stand it anymore. The demons say that this is my kingdom and that satan is my god.”
I said, “I understand, but Mark, on earth, you had a chance to repent.”
He cried and said, “Tell the young people to worship Jesus. Tell the whole church to worship. God seeks true worshippers.”
After Mark had spoken, a flame came between me and Mark. He became engulfed with the flames as soon as I stepped away.
While we had been speaking, the flames had only risen to his waist. After his last statement, his torment continued as before.
The Lord said, “Daughter, many people think that with certain music and certain programs they are able to attract the world and reach the gang members and drug addicts. No. It is not men who bring conviction of sin, but the Holy Spirit that deals with and convinces man of his sins. It is I who touches hearts. It is I who deals with the hearts of man. I alone am able to save man. Men think they are saviors.”
This is what the Lord told me. I cried. This was so difficult for me. It is still difficult. This is not easy.
I think that if you are listening to this type of music you need to stop. This is between you and God though. I fulfill God’s will in telling you. I am no longer responsible because I told you what God told me. If you want to accept it, accept it. If you want to reject it, reject it. I fulfill my responsibility. This is something He required of me. If I don’t obey Him, hell awaits. I don’t want to go to that place. I don’t want to end up in a place of torment. I have been there three times. I know that hell is more real than life on earth.
As we left Mark’s cell, he began to blaspheme. The Lord told me, “When we leave this place, tell My Church to worship me in Spirit and in Truth.”
[End of excerpt from Angelica's testimony].
Rock Leads to Rebellion
Today I happened to be reading a Demon Busters article about House Curses, in which Gene Moody elaborated on rock music. I was not even looking for this information, but was actually looking for info about accursed objects. In that article, he states:
"Rock music and subliminal music is meant to operate on stimuli that exist below the threshold of the conscious mind. Its goal is to awaken the energy center (in the brain) and to expand mental awareness. Scientific instruments have proved it reaches its goal. Music is more powerful than drugs."
"New Age Children's music is to incite rebellion and self elevation. Rock music leads young people into sexual perversions and violence."
In brother David Wilkerson’s 1985 book, Set the Trumpet To Thy Mouth, he said: "One of the reasons God's Spirit was lifted from the Jesus Movement [not that It was ever there] was their refusal to forsake their old music. They gave up pot, heroin, alcohol, promiscuous sex, and they even gave up perverted life-styles. But they refused to give up their beloved rock. ... Amazing! I say its hold is stronger than drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. It is the biggest mass addiction in the world's history. Rock music, as used and performed in Christian circles, is of the same satanic seed as that which is called punk, heavy metal, and is performed in devilish rock concerts worldwide."
Warning to those listening to music that doesn't glorify God
Nine months after posting this blog, I was re-reading parts of the testimony of Samuel Oghenetega and realized that the Lord also gave him a warning to those listening to music that doesn't glorify God. The Lord said, "All music that does not glorify me or my Father: Those who listen to it will be cast into the fire."
Worldly Gospel Music is Demonic
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James Agboola |
...after a while, the Lord said, “I want to show you what’s going on in the kingdom of darkness. Prepare yourself.” I don’t know. So after some time in the night, I just slept. And it’s like a wild wind, very strong, just came in and picked me (up). As He picked me, He took me up and took me to air flying on the air. He took me to a far land, on a far journey across the desert, across big oceans. And at the point that He brought me down, in the deep forest, I saw in a very big gate: “Welcome to the conference of the demons.” I don’t know how I managed. The wind just took me in there. Veep! And kept me in a corner. I sat down. As I sat down, I began to see demons coming in from the four corners of the earth. They were flying in and they were in different shapes in different sizes. They were flying in from every angle. As they fly in, they take their seats. As they’re flying in, they take their seat. As they’re flying in, they take their seat.
The place was completely in darkness. But in the midst of darkness, God gave me eyes and I could see everything that is going on in there. But none of them noticed my presence there. I saw seats of pastors, pastors that are getting powers from the kingdom of darkness. They’re all flying, each different. As they’re coming, they’re taking their position, many of them with their collar around their neck, with their big hat that they used to wear, with their series of mode of dressing, they all took their seat. The place was in total silence. After a while, the devil himself now came down (James motions with his hand to indicate the devil descended into the room). As he comes down, I’ve never seen somebody so furious who is so angry, who is so annoyed, like the devil. He came with serious anger. There was a big seat prepared for him, but he couldn’t sit. He was just going up and down (James paces quickly back and forth with his head down). “What are you people doing?!” He was addressing the congregations of the devils and the pastors. “What are you people doing?! What are you doing?! Are you doing anything? I don’t see the products of what you are doing!”
After a while, one of the devils stood up (James demonstrates the demon standing up and speaking while hunched over with his head down). He said, “Master, we are trying our best. Master, we are possessing the Church. Master, we are taking (inaudible). Master, we are taking over the youth activities. We deliver them. We give them new systems. We give them new fashions. We make them to go out of the (inaudible) and the way of God. Master…”
After that one speaks, another one would get up. “Master, we have possessed the gospel musicians of the earth. Their musics no longer having meaning in the spiritual realms. We have possessed their gospel music so that it becomes worldly music. They will think they are singing gospel music, but it is worldly. We are giving them some tunes, some pieces, some dancing steps which is not of God, which is of the demons to convince them. They will be sang inside the congregations, and they will dance to them." (Read the full testimony at James Agboola Revelation of Heaven and Hell).
The Origin of Worldly Music
As I wrote in my article, The Origin of Sin, Satan, and Secular Music, in God’s original design, music was solely for true worship of Him alone, and that was the only kind of music that existed. But now that satan has fallen, he has invented other unauthorized kinds of music that do not bring glory to the Lord God Almighty and that are not true, spiritual worship. These include pagan worship, the worship of false gods (demons), satan worship, and what we have come to know as "secular music" in all its various forms. All of these are forms of stolen worship, which is one way that satan gets his strength. All music that does not glorify God is from satan and is sinful.
Scriptural Meditations
"’Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘And do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you. And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,’ Says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2Co 6:17-18 - 7:1)
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." (Heb 12:14)
"...make a distinction between the holy and the profane, and between the unclean and the clean." (Lev 10:10b)
"'For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.'" (Lev 11:45)
"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'" (1Pe 1:14-16)
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world." (1Jn 2:15-16).
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, ‘He is the One who catches the wise in their craftiness.’” (1 Cor 3:19)
Worldly music is the counsel of the wicked! "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!" (Psa 1:1).
Worldly music contains careless words. "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." (Mat 12:36-37)
This next passage from the apostle Paul's letter to the Corinthians describes how I feel about writing this article. In it, Paul refers to his first epistle to the Corinthians, in which he had to confront them about sin in the church. He wrote:
"For though I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it; though I did regret it--for I see that that letter caused you sorrow, though only for a while-- I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death." (2Co 7:8-10)
My Personal Testimony
Before I came to know Christ, I was a big fan of rock music. I used to attend rock concerts, and I had a large collection of rock music and jazz. It was a big part of my life. But once I repented and gave my life to Jesus, afterward as a new Christian, I saw a presentation in Church about the dangers of rock music. It was either Hell’s Bells: The Dangers of Rock ‘N’ Roll by Reel to Real Ministries, or else it was another very similar presentation by another ministry. After seeing that, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit that rock music was in fact evil. I gathered all my rock music, and other worldly music into a large garbage bag and threw it into the trash. I cannot begin to calculate what the monetary value of that music was, but it was worth a lot of money at that time.
However, I replaced my secular rock music with Christian rock music. And I didn't see any problem with it, until I heard a preacher deliver a message that showed how even Christian rock music is from the devil. I realized it was true, so I threw all that music into the trash, too. But later on I began to relax my attitude toward Christian rock music, and allowed it back into my life to a certain degree. I let down my guard and went back to sleep. In fact, over the years as a Christian, although I have mostly enjoyed listening to Christian music, there were times when I even listened to secular rock songs and other types of worldly music on occasion without realizing I was dabbling with fire. Having heard these testimonies, I am once again convinced that the saints should not be listening to rock music at all. All those worldly songs, even the love songs, they are not of God. They are of the devil.
The problem is that nobody is preaching against it, at least not in the Christian circles I was part of for most of my walk with Christ. People are going down to hell because of this music, and we are not warning them! We've allowed the devil to deceive us. We need to wake up, repent, and warn others about this trap, so that they can get free from it.
Putting it All Together
I realize this is a radical message that will shake some people up, but I want to ask you to take it before the Lord in prayer, and search the Word to see if these things are really so. Ask the Lord to confirm to you if these things are true, and to show you if you are singing or listening to any music that displeases Him. I do not claim to be perfect yet, but it's my goal in Christ.
Now I would like to quote two of these five people in conclusion of this article.
As sister Angelica stated: "I think that if you are listening to this type of music you need to stop. This is between you and God though. I fulfill God’s will in telling you. I am no longer responsible because I told you what God told me. If you want to accept it, accept it. If you want to reject it, reject it. I fulfill my responsibility. This is something He required of me. If I don’t obey Him, hell awaits. I don’t want to go to that place. I don’t want to end up in a place of torment. I have been there three times. I know that hell is more real than life on earth."
Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.
Author's note: Please prayerfully listen to the testimonies of these five brethren, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to them. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.These individuals are not personally connected with this site. For more information on our position, please see Disclaimers.
If you enjoyed this article, I recommend my articles, The Origin of Sin, Satan, and Secular Music, The Rise and Fall of Lucifer the Musician, Avoiding Worldly Worship, The Forgotten Sin of Worldliness, and Separation from the World. I recommend viewing a video called Hell’s Bells: The Dangers of Rock ‘N’ Roll (parental guidance is suggested for young people).
You are also invited to read or listen to more amazing testimonies of the supernatural like this below, as well as James Agboola Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Holy Living in a Perverted World, Carrying Your Cross or Cross Dressing?, Seven Reasons to Believe the Seven Divine Revelations, An Open Mind that Loves the Truth, Pleasing the Lord, and The Apostasy Parables. You may access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."
Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15). He preached that we must repent and believe.
Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"
Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.