Sunday, September 1, 2024


This is a collection of testimonies from those who claim to have experienced heaven and hell, as well as those who have had direct, face-to-face encounters with God the Father in heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, or His holy angels.  It includes a number of documented accounts of individuals being raised from the dead.  It also includes some visions and important Scriptural studies on the topic of heaven and hell.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." (Pro 29:18a, KJV)

"For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life." (1 Thes 4:7, NIV)

"...But this is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel: 'And it shall be in the last days,' God says, 'that I will pour forth of my Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on My bondslaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit And they shall prophesy."  (Act 2:16-18, NASB)

It is my prayer that these testimonies will lead you to pray earnestly and seek the Lord's face, regarding the destiny of your own soul, and the souls of the people in your life, so that you and they will not miss the glories of heaven and wind up in hell for eternity.

Baptized by Blazing Fire -- a Korean church's testimony Angelica Zambrano Hell and Heaven Forty Days in Heaven and Hell
Ibrahim's Experience in Hell Angelica Zambrano Second Visit to Hell Only the Holy -- Three Shocking Testimonies
Australian Pastor Raised from the Dead Angelica Zambrano Fourth Testimony of Heaven and Hell Revelation of Hell to Seven Colombian Youths
Korean Pastor Raised from the Dead The Four Tallest Homes in Heaven Messages from the Lord for Catholics Worshiping Idols
Margaret O. Amure - "I Lied" Michael Thomas Sambo's Revelation of Heaven and Hell Ayodelle Sawyer - a Revelation of Heaven and Hell 
Godly Attire and Adornment -- Seven Divine Revelations The Book of Life Armenian Man Raised from the Dead
Where will you go when you die? Few will be saved Jesus Christ Descended Into Hell
Seven Reasons to Believe the Seven Divine Revelations Visitation of Jesus to Samuel Oghenetaga Taken to Hell
James Agboola Revelation of Heaven and Hell The Holy Fires of Hell Ezekiel Moses Testimony of Heaven and Hell
The "Door to Hell" Vision of Hell by Emmanuel Agyarko Divorce -- Three Divine Revelations
A Warning to the Nay Sayers There now, it is all over! Blessed rest. The Top Ten Things Jesus Taught
Alcohol and Cigarettes -- Nine Divine Revelations The Sale of Christian Music and Art -- A Robbers' Den The Judgment Seat of Christ

Michael Shigaba's Encounter with Jesus A Warning for Christian Married Couples The Place of Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth 
The Marine Kingdom and Queen of the Coast Rock, Rap, and Reggae Music -- Five Divine Revelations Life After Death
Is Contraception a Sin? Eternal Security Eudoxia Varga Testimony of Heaven and Hell
Gabriel Doufle Issues and Concerns Tattoos and Body Piercing

TGRM Issues and Concerns
HOREMOW Issues and Concerns Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Lynn Veasley's Revelation of Hell
Claire Andoun Solomon's Encounter with Jesus Revelation of Sister Claire Andoun in Heaven Lynn Veasley's Revelation of Heaven
The Home Going of Sister Claire Andoun Solomon Hell Hath Enlarged Itself Eternal Places Prepared by God
Ian McCormack's Testimony of Heaven and Hell Sakhile's First Trip to Heaven Sakhile Tells the Truth About Hell
Mathematician Goes To Hell Then Meets God T.B. Joshua is Suffering in Hell Now! Charles Taze Russell -- JW Founder in Hell
Teen Dies, Enters Heaven, Meets Jesus -- Catherine's Testimony Catherine Hughes' Second Encounter in Heaven Nigerian Pastor Raised from the Dead
David Agorye's Revelation of Heaven and Hell Woman Saw Demon of Cupid Leading Christians to Hell

Attribution notice: Scripture quotations taken from the NASB and from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®, unless otherwise noted.

Author's note: Please refer your friends and family to our our easy-to-remember domain name,, and help us to Get the Word Out. And please consider whether the Lord would have you apply for enrollment in our discipleship program known as Doulos Training School.  Please prayerfully listen to these testimonies, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to these people.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not. For more information on our connection with these individuals, please see Disclaimers.

For more testimonies that give glory and honor to God and His Son Jesus Christ, please see Testimonies from Budapest and Preparing the Way Radio. You may also access my complete blog directory at Writing for the Master


Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.



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"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

Thank you!

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Testimony Review Process

On this blog I post testimonies of people, who claim that they have received a divine revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ.  As you read these, you will find some of them to be controversial.  However, that alone is not a reason to reject them.  Each one needs to be reviewed on its own merit to see if it is truly from the Lord.

We should be like the Berean believers: "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." (Act 17:11). By this I am not implying that these testimonies constitute the Word of God, or that they become a new book of the Bible. However, they do contain messages purportedly from Jesus Christ, and they often quote Scripture. Don't despise prophetic utterances (1Th 5:20).  Let's eagerly receive anything the Lord has so say to us through His Body, but be diligent to examine the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so. Let's test the spirits to see whether they are from God.

I would like to suggest that here we use the same review criteria outlined on Robert Brownell's website, SpiritLessons. Brownell states:

"[This] website receives many new testimonies from around the world, by people who testify of Revelations by Jesus. These testimonies are very valuable, but like the 1st century church, there needs to be review process by Mature Christians. When a testimony has something controversial or difficult, we'll put it under the 'UNDER REVIEW' section.  With a comment box on the bottom, for wise Christian counsel. This should help weed out problems, and identify issues.  Similar to the way the early Church discussed matters."

"Remember, we are NOT canonizing scripture here. The Bible is sufficient!  We were never given permission by God to add His scripture.  We are just investigating Face to Face encounters with Jesus Christ.  None of these testimonies have gone through the rigorous and thorough testing that the Bible has gone through. If something contradicts with clear scripture, please note that in the comment section.   I never allow people's revelations to contradict verbatim scripture. If any revelation contradicts clear scripture, I reject it. For the Bible is my foundation of doctrine. But I will allow revelations to challenge my interpretation of scripture. And I will not pridefully hold up my interpretation of scripture as infallible."

"Things to remember when reviewing:
1. Please understand that there MAY be mistranslations from the original testimony.
2. There MAY be places where authors are not clear enough in their description.
3. We are looking for patterns, that show up in multiple testimonies.  This gives certain issues more weight.
4. Also remember that we don't care about their opinions, ideas or speculation.  We only really care about what Jesus told them. There are many good people of God who can have misunderstandings in their opinions. No one's opinions are perfect.  Hopefully they won't share opinions in their testimonies, we just want the FACTS!  WHAT WAS THE MESSAGE FROM JESUS?  This is why we often highlight the words of Jesus in Dark, Bolded Red.
5. Also, regarding sin, remember that the Lord weighs the Motives of the Heart.  Two people can do the same thing, and the Lord judges differently.  Therefore if one person claims an actions can lead a person to Hell, we're looking for a clear definition of what that action is, not just a vague description."

"So get your Bibles, and hammer these testimonies out. Please leave Wise and Referenced Comments on the bottom." -- Robert Brownell.

In addition to these excellent guidelines that Brownell has recommended, for more help in reviewing these testimonies, please read my articles, called "Judging Revelations, Visions, and Prophecies," "Testing the Spirits of False Prophets," "Discerning the Things of the Spirit," "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit," "A Warning to the Nay Sayers," "An Open Mind that Loves the Truth," and "The Top Ten Things Jesus Taught."  It is very important to test the fruit of the messenger, and that is why I try to check the character of the person giving the testimony, when it is controversial.  I attempt to make phone calls and speak with the person who had the experience, as well as with those who know the person well, in order to see what kind of fruit is in their lives.

I hope these guidelines will help you as you seek to test the spirits and discern the things of the spirit.

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. The photo of the careful examination of Scripture comes from "Beginning and End."

Author's note: If you enjoyed this post, you may also access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

Doulos Training School

Doulos Missions International now offers discipleship training online through the Doulos Training School (DTS).  Please visit the DTS online at Doulos Training School to find out more about how you or someone you know can participate.

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission. Partner with us online by giving to DMI.

Get the Word Out

Will you help get the word out about the Eternal Destinations blog?  One way to do so is by emailing people a link to it.  Another way is to print our easy-to-remember domain name, on the back of a business card or tract and hand them out to people you meet in public, such as the cashier at the check out counter. You could also post a link to it on social media sites like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. Please consider doing this to multiply the readership of this site and save souls.

Jesus said, "What I tell you in darkness you must speak in the daylight, and what is whispered in your ear you must shout from the housetops." (Mt 10:27).

Thank you for helping us reach people for Christ!

Attribution notice: Scripture taken from the Holy Bible: International Standard Version®. Copyright © 1996-forever by The ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission. Megaphone image from Wikimedia Commons. It is one of the first megaphones. 

Author's note:  I also recommend reading A Warning for Married Christian Couples, Multiplication, The Rise of Antichrists, Ibrahim's Experience in Hell, The Judgment Seat of Christ, Miraculous Birth of Jesus, A Trip to Hell, The Forgotten Sin of Worldliness, Ezekiel Moses Testimony of Heaven and Hell, Is Obedience Optional?, Holy Living in a Perverted World, Avoid Becoming a Corrupted Christian, An Open Mind that Loves the Truth, Sins That Will Keep You From Heaven, Restored Truth, Testing the Spirits of False Prophets, A Warning to the Nay Sayers, and the other posts on the home page. You may also access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.


Please take a moment to read the following disclaimers regarding the testimonies published on this or any of our sites, as well as links to other websites.

We often post articles with the testimonies of certain individuals on this site. Such articles should not be seen as an endorsement, approval or agreement with any information or resources offered by those individuals or their ministries. Doulos Missions International (DMI) is not responsible for the teachings or practices of any individuals whose testimonies are published on our sites. When DMI publishes these testimonies, no inference or assumption should be made and no representation should be inferred that DMI is connected with, cooperates with, oversees, endorses, sponsors or supports these individuals or their ministries. Any publication of your testimony must not represent in any way, either explicitly or by implication, that you have received the endorsement, sponsorship or support of any DMI site or endorsement, sponsorship or support of the ministry of DMI, including its respective employees, agents or directors.

We sometimes provide referrals to and links to other World Wide Web sites from our sites. Such a link should not be seen as an endorsement, approval or agreement with any information or resources offered at sites you can access through our sites. Doulos Missions International (DMI) is not responsible for the content or practices of third party sites that may be linked to our sites. When DMI provides links or references to other Web sites, no inference or assumption should be made and no representation should be inferred that DMI is connected with, operates or controls these Web sites. Any approved link must not represent in any way, either explicitly or by implication, that you have received the endorsement, sponsorship or support of any DMI site or endorsement, sponsorship or support of the ministry of DMI, including its respective employees, agents or directors.

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Woman Saw the Demon of Cupid Leading Christians to Hell

Ten years ago, I wrote an article called Warning for Christian Married Couples that warned against many popular sexual practices of Christian married couples. You would think that people would have agreed wholeheartedly with it, since it condemned certain things like sadism and masochism. But instead, many people rejected it completely and me for being the messenger. 

Today I would like to share with you a video of a revelation a woman had of hell, in which the Lord showed her similar things and more. Her name is Sue Mark Jones, and she saw a section of hell where there were Christians who had indulged in these sexual sins. The Lord told her to warn His people about these things, because they are going to hell for doing them. These include ungodly sexual positions, seductive lingerie, masturbation, thinking about another lover while having sex with your spouse, spouse swapping, sex novels, sex toys, and much more.

Rather than try to summarize what she said, let me direct you to her video at this link. Or you may read the transcript below.

Video Transcript:
Praise the Lord! I greet you all in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Me and my husband both of us together went through a process of Consecration and sanctification, and there were so many changes that happened during this time. 

I come with a time-critical message. The main reason why I'm coming today is because of a message that the Lord wants his children to hear about this great sin that's almost like the number one sin why people are going to hell. I'm going to read the vision. Children above 12 are mature enough, and a lot of children are falling into this particular sin, and the Lord wants children to be aware of of this sin as well as their going into the teen years. I ask the grace of the Holy Spirit as I read it.

On March 28th 2021 at about 5:30 a.m. I fell into a trance. I saw myself standing in a poorly lit, unpleasant area. It was dark, dreary, and scary. I noticed that there were hundreds of people if not thousands standing there they all were bruised, wounded, sad, and crying. I also noticed that they all were naked. I thought to myself what place is this, and who are they? Then I saw huge creatures who looked like very scary demons approaching them. They had sharp teeth and sharp nails. They grabbed these people and started digging into their flesh and skin with their long nails. They started ripping the flesh away from their bodies, and their flesh started dropping off from their bones. They were bleeding and screaming in horror and agony. The demons had no mercy. They tore them apart like a butcher ripping meat apart, 

The sight of their torture made me freeze in fear, and I found it very hard even to breathe. I wanted to run away from there. After these demons physically tortured them, the worst happened. These demons physically restrained them and started to brutally rape them. I'm not talking about pleasurable sexual activity, but I'm talking about brutal barbaric rape. I was given the understanding that they were raped using sharp metals and torture instruments that these demons had implanted in [inserted into] their bodies. I was so tormented in spirit that I turned my head to the other side in pain and helplessness. I started screaming the name of "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! I want to get out, Lord. Please take me back, Lord. The blood of Jesus!" 

I was immediately back in my body. I was shaking in fear and horror. I was so disturbed. It was the antithesis of the worst kind. I had to go to church in a few hours on a Sunday morning, but instead the Lord had taken me to hell. I went into prayer, because I couldn't stop shaking. I was so afraid. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that I had gone to hell, and I had come back, and the people I saw were the damned souls of the lost. He told me that they were in hell for a particular reason and that was sexual sins committed by their bodies, and all the sexual impurity included. The Lord wanted me to tell all of this and I pray that I find the boldness to name each of the sins that he listed. This is purely going to be for the purposes of making people aware of the sins that can lead you to hell and make you lose your soul. A lot of Christians don't know that doing certain things and sexual impurity and immorality or things done in secret can lead you to hell. 

I'm just going to read the things that the Holy Spirit has listed a lot of things were revealed to me by the Lord. So I start: adultery, fornication, or premarital sex, homosexuality, masturbation, lust, pornography, prostitution, oral sex, anal sex, bestiality, pedophilia, polygamy, incest, open marriages, swinging, or spouse swapping, sex parties, sex orgies, fetishism, voyeurism, peeping Tom, necrophilia, transvestism, sadism, exhibitionism, perverse, filthy, immoral curses, and speech, especially using that F word that is sinful, that is impure, that is ungodly; and unholy, hypersexualized, sexualized flirting, over-sexualized speech, indecent clothing, seductive, revealing dressing like mini skirts, tight pants, and very tight bands showing the body curves and body parts, not wearing an undergarment, or wearing seductive undergarments. For example, Victoria Secret Victoria Secret is an American lingerie clothing and beauty retailer, known for high-visibility marketing and branding starting with a popular catalog, and followed by an annual fashion show with supermodels dubbed "Angels". Founders Roy Raymond and his wife Gay Raymond. 

I would like to take a minute to explain about Victoria's Secret, because I personally was a victim of this particular brand innocently. I did not realize that this was an ungodly, satanic brand till the Lord Jesus himself showed it to me. The day I knew it, everything that I had hoarded for years was collected and thrown away. I'm talking about years! And you know how expensive a branded clothing is.

Very briefly I would like to explain about it so that you should not be wearing seductive undergarments. that is not something that Jesus wants his righteous daughters to be wearing in the bedroom. Even if you're married, you should not be wearing seductive undergarments, because it has a curse on it, a marine Spirit attached to it, a demonic entity attached to it, a blood sacrifice attached to it, especially a marine Spirit or a siren Spirit from the Marine World. 

Victoria's Secret was originated from a blood sacrifice. The founder had a blood sacrifice done and
there were spells cast into these undergarments. And if you Google, you can find Satan thongs, and Satan wings, and Satan robes, and Satan pajamas, and you would not even think, "How can pajamas be unholy, right?" But they all are cursed, because the founder did a blood sacrifice to gain fame, to gain prosperity, in his division. 

What are their models called? Their models are called "angels". Have you noticed that they call them Victoria Secret Angels? Why do you think they're called angels? Are they real angels? Are they God's angels? Godly angels? Do you think Godly angels will wear clothes like that or undergarments like that? So what angels are they talking about? Wake up, people! They're talking about fallen angels! That's what these models are dressing up. All these Victoria parades and fashion shows they're doing. they are depicting or they are propagating the mission from hell. they're showing fallen angels. 

Then they came up with something that Christians would wear, because if we don't wear the seductive type ,we should not mind wearing something simple, right? Their brand is called "Pink". A blood sacrifice was done for that brand. I was responsible for buying Pink. Pink is very simple; very, very, normal. Something that is daily worn, that you would be wearing undergarments are cursed by blood sacrifices. Blood sacrifices cause your marriage to be broken; you are cursed, you would not be able to pray when you wear an undergarment, you cannot pray for more than 20 minutes; if you pray, you will pray not more than 30 minutes. Do not have those undergarments. It doesn't have to be Victoria's Secret. Any other brand. Just throw it away throw away those deceptive, seductive, demonic, undergarments . They should not be in your house. If you are a woman of God, you should not be wearing them. 

One thing that I want to tell before I conclude about the undergarment section is: do you all know that the founder of Victoria's Secret? After he did all of that and got all of the money -- see when you sell your soul to the devil, he's going to bait you -- did you know that he committed suicide at the age of 46 by jumping [off of] the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco? Forty-six! That's what the devil will give you. He will give you everything in the world, and he will bait your life. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet he loses his own soul. On August 26th, 1993, Victoria's Secrets founder Roy Raymond ended his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. His ex-wife Gay Raymond stated that she believed he had suffered from depression following a series of business failures sisters. 

Let us be careful. Let us be very watchful and very vigilant, not wearing any seductive clothing at all or any revealing clothing at all. The Lord continues to say that he doesn't want his daughters wearing revealing clothes. That means no transparent clothes, no revealing clothes that will show your cleavage, your chest, your breasts, your thighs, your hips, your back, nothing of that sort. I will also do a section about dressing later on, because I was corrected on the [way I was] dressing. But this is just about related to sexual impurity, so that is why those undergarments had to come in this section. Let us keep moving. 

Sexual impurity also involves sex with toys, sex toys, sex with inanimate objects, sexual imaginations , wild sexual, fantasies, sexual fantasies about an ex-lover during sexual intercourse with your spouse. Your thoughts have to be holy in the marriage bed. The Lord says in Hebrews 13:4, let marriage be held in honor, esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear in all things, and thus let the marriage bed be undefiled, honored. For God will judge and punish the unchaste and adulterous. That means even when you are in bed with your spouse, your thoughts should not go around thinking about the last person you had a fling with, or a relationship with, or some other man, or some other woman that you are desiring. You should not be thinking about them when you are intimate with your spouse, and the Lord detests that. 

Next thing he told me to tell is about sexual novels, sexual books, e-books, literature, sexual literature, erotic literature, Cosmopolitan magazines. Burn it! Throw it away! Do not touch it! It's accursed. There are demons associated with it, and if you touch, you are going to be cursed. There is a Hindu book called the Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana. The book that he wrote is a demonic book. Do not follow that book or practice sexual positions in that book. Do not follow it. Those will lead you to Hell. The Lord told me that these positions shown in this book or depicted in this book were revealed to this so-called Guru by a tantric goddess. Do not practice anything that is unholy -- none of those sexual positions -- even if you're married, do not practice, because they were introduced from the pits of Hell to corrupt the marriage bed. They are used by prostitutes. They're used by porn stars. Christian, godly women should not be doing positions like that. When I told Jesus, "I'm ashamed, Lord. I cannot tell this to your  children," He said, "You will have to. Somebody will have to." I said, "Lord, I'm doing the first video, and it's so hurtful, because because people don't want to hear about that. This is about our private lives. The Lord said, "Yes, you will have to. My children are going to hell, because they did not know, and they innocently go into hell." He is crying over them. And once you go to hell, you cannot come back, so let us be aware. Let us teach our children to be holy. 

He told me about love potions, love spells, love charms, love witchcraft to get a spouse, to get a lover, even to get an ex-lover. All of those are demonic. Horoscopes of love to find the right spouse or to spice up your marriage, to spice up your sexual, sex life. 

He talked to me about songs, secular songs that are extremely vulgar. For example, R Kelly's songs, and recently this demonic song that was sung by Cardi B is absolutely demonic. R Kelly, or Robert Sylvester Kelly, born January 8th, 1967 is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and philanthropist. He has been accused of numerous cases of sexual abuse. Bel Al, Marlenis Almanzar, born October 11th 1992,  known professionally as Cardi B is an American rapper and songwriter, born and raised in New York City. She became an internet celebrity by achieving popularity on Vine and Instagram. Christians should have nothing to do with these sexual, erotic, demonic songs. Do not listen to them. I'm also talking about Bollywood songs that glorify sex, glorify worldly romance, glorify the art of enticement, premarital sex. All of that is sinful. Your soul will be dragged to hell, because demons are released on those songs. When you're listening to them, even if you're sitting in an area, and you hear that song, start praying, start reciting the [Bible] verses, start memorizing the scriptures, so that you can recite [them], or pray in tongues, so that those songs are not infiltrating your mind. unknowingly, subconsciously you'll be listening to those songs and singing those songs. All of those songs will come and haunt you in the night, as well. 

So let your eye portals and your ear portals be covered. Be very extra cautious when you're listening to these songs. Pictures of cupid -- cupid is a demon -- you should not have pictures of Cupid. Someone innocently gave me a cupid picture. I had it for years. Did you know that I never got married? I couldn't get married, because I had that picture. I didn't know it till the Holy Spirit one day told me get rid of that picture. Get rid of that picture! Cupid is not a love God. He is a demon from hell. You need to get rid of any Cupid images, any Cupid cards, any ex-lover cards, any gifts that have the cupid on it. Throw it away! Burn it, if you can. 

The Lord also talked about sex chats, sex rooms, phone sex, sex comedies, lustful shows, TV shows. This is just a brief summary. It's already 20 minutes into this talk, but it is very important that I say it. The list is just endless, and these are just a few things that he has asked me to tell, that his children should never be following, and also to spread awareness. 

The Word of God says in 1 Corinthians 6:19, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" He dwells in it. You know how in the book of Exodus the Tabernacle was created, and God gave exact measurements, and how he wanted it to be, and how he wanted the altar of sacrifice, the labor of washing the holy place, the golden lampstand, the golden table of showbread, the golden altar of incense, the holiest of holies, and the golden Ark, and mercy seat, everything was in detail; and he did not accept anything less. He was perfect, when it came to the Tabernacle. If he was so holy and he was so perfect, and there were laws as to how to do this, and how to do that, and when to go in the temple, and who should go in the temple, and what time they should go in the temple, and all of that with just a man-made Tabernacle, how much more holy is your body -- your and my body! And we are prostituting that body in front of men, so that we can get approval in front of men. My precious young sisters, let your body glorify Jesus. Let it glorify Jesus. Let it glorify Jesus. Not to attract a man. And if you attract a man [the ungodly way], he will only be attracted to the lust that you are showing, not to the real woman that you are. Let us get that concept. Let us grasp that concept. The Lord says, " I will not let worldliness into my kingdom. I will not let sin enter into my kingdom. I am a holy God. I'm a consuming fire. I will not compromise. 

1 Corinthians 6:18, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually sins against his own body." Run from immorality, sexual immorality, sexual sin, sexual impurity! Run like Joseph ran the opposite way! Run when you see it! Don't even stand and look. Don't even see! Don't think, "Oh, let me see what it is," or "What are they doing?" or "What are they talking about?" Don't even be on that page, especially if you have an addiction or if you're weak in that area. Don't even look! Say a scripture, pray in tongues, and keep on moving. 

Ephesians 5:27, "That he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. 

Ephesians 5:3-4, "There should not be even a hint of sexual immorality or any kind of impurity." Not a hint! Not a dot! Not a spot! Not a blemish. Not a wrinkle. The Lord Jesus comes for a bride that is flawless. There is not even a tinge of sexual immorality in her. So let your speech be holy, let your eye
gates be holy, let your ear gates be holy, let your heart be holy, let your hands be holy, let your feet be holy, let your private area be holy. 

1 Corinthians 6:9, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not
deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God." This is the Word of God. I didn't say it; the word of God says so. 

I end by saying: Let the one who has ears hear what the Lord has to say. May Jesus bless you all and give you the grace to live as living sacrifices every day on the altar of God. 

Attribution notice: Scripture quotations taken from the KJV, unless otherwise noted. 

Author's note: Please prayerfully listen to this testimony, ask God for discernment, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to this pastor.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.  

If you enjoyed this post, you may also like Warning for Christian Married CouplesLusting After Your SpouseThe Forgotten Sin of WorldlinessEzekiel Moses Testimony of Heaven and HellIs Obedience Optional?Holy Living in a Perverted WorldAvoid Becoming a Corrupted ChristianAn Open Mind that Loves the TruthSins That Will Keep You From HeavenRestored TruthPleasing the LordIgnorance is Not BlissTesting the Spirits of False ProphetsA Warning to the Nay SayersThe Ways of LifeEudoxia Varga Testimony of Heaven and Hell, and the other posts on the home page. You may also access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.